Learning about basic air rifle cleaning and care should be one of your first steps after purchasing an air gun. Like any mechanical device, air guns do require some ongoing maintenance so they continue performing optimally for decades. Fortunately, air gun maintenance is fairly straightforward, inexpensive, and should only take a few minutes of your time.
Your air gun is a loyal companion and part of your legacy, and cleaning and maintaining it is a great way to understand its ins and outs, helping you to develop your knowledge, and in turn, your shooting skills. For many airgunners, customization and maintenance are also a fun and rewarding part of the hobby.
Here are the air rifle cleaning and maintenance steps you should be prepared to take regularly.
1. Check the Manual
This guide will cover maintenance for the vast majority of air guns on the market. However, before you even think about maintaining (or shooting) your air gun, you must read the entirety of the owner’s manual included with your air gun.
This step is absolutely crucial because A) different air guns have different parts and requirements and B) you can be confident that the guidance is accurate. Even well-intentioned advice can be detrimental if it comes from any source except the manufacturer.
2. Lubricate as Needed
Air rifle cleaning isn’t necessary frequently, but lubrication is. This keeps the moving components in your air gun working smoothly. Lubricating your air gun is the most important air gun maintenance step. Check the lubrication requirements for your specific brand and model.
Barring unusual circumstances, you don’t need to clean the barrel of a Benjamin air gun, but you should apply Crosman silicone chamber oil (part number RMCOIL) to the barrel’s O-ring. Additionally, you’ll want to lubricate the sliding bolt mechanism (if applicable) with molybdenum disulfide and graphite extreme pressure grease.
Be extremely vigilant when lubricating to make sure your lubricants don’t enter the fill nipple/high-pressure reservoir. Air rifle cleaning and lubrication frequency depend on the brand and model, so again, check the manual. Some air guns require lubrication every 100 shots; others can wait 500 shots. It varies. Don’t guess. Even a few extra drops of lubricant can clog the valve assembly.
3. Inspect Your Air Gun Regularly
A huge part of maintenance is simply being aware of any changes in performance or functionality. For example, if it seems like the trigger pull feels weaker or shorter, a component could be broken or worn and may require professional servicing. If you drop your air gun, inspect it closely before shooting it. While you’re performing air rifle cleaning and maintenance duties, it never hurts to check and tighten screws, scope mounts, and any other parts that could become loosened over time.
4. Handle Your Air Gun Properly

Air guns can take plenty of wear and tear, but mishandling or dropping them is the most common reason why damage occurs. Preemptive air gun maintenance means storing your air gun in a high-quality case when moving it. You should also have a secure place to store your air gun at home, ideally in a locking cabinet. It’s best practice to only remove your air gun when you’re shooting or performing air rifle cleaning and maintenance.
Beyond storage and transport, make sure you know how to use your air gun. That may seem obvious, but you might be surprised by how often air guns are damaged due to misuse. For example, you should never twist the pump while pumping. You should never forcefully slam break barrels when cocking. Air guns are sturdy and can hold up to abuse, but long-term bad habits can lead to problems down the line.
5. Wipe Down Surfaces
Finally, even the highest-quality air guns are susceptible to degradation and rust. If your air gun has a synthetic stock, use a damp cloth to wipe it down, especially if your hands have been sweating—that’s air rifle cleaning 101. If it has a wooden stock, use a few drops of oil on a cloth to wipe it down. Additionally, wipe any external metal surfaces with a thin film of oil to prevent rusting. It’s up to you how often you perform these tasks, but many airgunners give their air guns a quick wipe every time they put their air gun away.
Contact Us for Personalized Assistance
These basic air gun maintenance steps will go an incredibly long way in extending your air gun’s lifespan and keeping it performing at its highest capacity. Benjamin Airguns are world-renowned for their customizability, but make sure you use Benjamin-branded accessories when modifying your air gun.
If you have any questions about air rifle cleaning and maintenance, please don’t hesitate to contact us so our experts can provide guidance pertaining to your specific model. You can also find a substantial amount of information in our FAQ, Videos, and in our Getting Started guide. Take care of your Benjamin, and it’ll provide a lifetime of enjoyment. This is your legacy, so make it count. Stay informed, grow your knowledge, and enjoy the process.